
Dick Pedder - National War Museum of Scotland
Geoffrey Keyes - National War Museum of Scotland
George More - National War Museum of Scotland
Robin Farmiloe - National War Museum of Scotland
Eion McGonigal - National War Museum of Scotland
Tommy Macpherson - National War Museum of Scotland
Gerald Bryan - National War Museum of Scotland
Blair Mayne - National War Museum of Scotland
Eric Garland - National War Museum of Scotland
Bill Fraser - National War Museum of Scotland
George Highland - National War Museum of Scotland
Charles Hill - Hill Collection
Jimmy Lawson - Courtesy of Jimmy Lawson
Reg Harmer - Courtesy of Jessie Taylor
John Orton - Courtesy of Alan Orton
Norman Wilkinson - Wilkinson Collection
View of Z Party landing site - Courtesy of Henry More
No 6 Troop - Courtesy of Alan Orton
View of Litani River, June 1941 - Australian War Memorial
Remains of the Qasmiye Bridge blown up by the Vichy French, June 1941 - Australian War Memorial
Pontoon built during the night of 9/10 June 1941 about 100 yards east of the demolished bridge - Australian War Memorial
Memorial plaque mounted in Lamlash Church - Wilkinson Collection
No.11 (Scottish) Commando veterans attending the re-dedication ceremony at the Arran Heritage Museum - Wilkinson Collection
Veterans during a reunion outside Brodick Castle, Isle of Arran - Wilkinson Collection
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